The following registers / forms shall be maintained by the Tamil Nadu Police Traffic Wardens Organisation:
- Register of Rolls: Name, Date of Appointment, Date of Promotion
- Attendance Register for Road duties, Parades, Special duties and R.S.P. duties.
- Neat filing systems/database for bio date of Traffic Wardens, personal file of each Traffic Warden, correspondence with police department, general public, press reports and correspondence with schools and Road Safety Patrol units in the schools and Special duties.
- Issue Register for Identity Cards.
- Register for recording the proceedings of meetings.
Review Meeting
The Chief Traffic Warden / Deputy Chief Traffic Warden shall convene a general review meeting of all the Sr. Duty Planning Officers and Duty Planning Officers. The meeting shall be convened once in three months to evaluate the functioning of the Organisation and to formulate action plan for Road Safety Education.
Officers Review Meetings
The committee of the organisation consists of the following:
Chief Traffic Warden - Chairman
Deputy Chief Traffic Warden, Administrative Officer, Accounts Officer, Senior Duty Planning Officers and ROAD SAFETY PATROL faculty as members.
Matters relating to administration, implementation of policy guidelines issued by the Parent department from time to time, Road Safety Patrol Education, road duty regulations etc., shall be reviewed and performance evaluated in such meetings.
Management of Finance and Accounts of the Organisation:
Bank account in the name of Tamil Nadu Traffic Wardens Organisation should be opened in a Nationalised / Scheduled Bank.
The account shall be operated jointly by the Chief Traffic Warden and Dy. Chief Traffic Warden / Account Officer.
A register for petty cash expenses shall be maintained on imprest basis.
All expenses should be supported by relevant bills, receipts and vouchers. Proper accounting system should be maintained. The management of accounts shall be entrusted, preferably to a Traffic Warden who is a Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant. The annual accounts are to be prepared in the usual manner shall be audited by qualified personnel. The accounting year of the organisation shall be from April to March of the subsequent year. All expenditures should be authorised by a finance committee comprising of Accounts Officer, Deputy Chief Traffic Wardens and the Chief Traffic Warden.
Meeting with officials of Police Department:
The Chief Traffic Warden, Deputy Chief Traffic Warden and Administrative officer shall meet the officials of the Police Department and discuss the functioning of the organisation.
The proceedings of the above meeting shall be recorded in separate books chronologically. The decision taken in the meeting shall be communicated to the other Traffic Wardens by means of messages / e-mails.
Collecting of Funds and Utilisation thereof
The Organisation being voluntary, the funds for administrative expenses have to be generated by themselves. An annual subscription and a one-time Joining Fees at the time of appointment from the Traffic Wardens may be collected for this purpose which shall be as Subscription Rs. 2500/- per annum and One time joining Fees Rs.3500/- at the time of Appointment (As on 01/04/2019).
The above amount will be reviewed from time to time and will be subject to revisions as per the requirements.