- The idea of school students helping the police to regulate traffic was mooted by the fact that it was not possible to depute a police officer for each & every school.
- So, this idea of forming a batch of trained school students was initiated by Mr. Adeshar H Mulla (Retired Principal, B S Bardhan School, Mumbai) in the year 1957.
- The concept was an instant success and it soon spread to many states of India.
- Team of 1 Traffic Warden, 1 School Teacher & 4 RSP cadets had met Mrs. & Mr. Mulla at their residence.
- ROAD SAFETY PATROL Chennai Unit was initiated by the Madras Traffic Wardens Organisation Tamilnadu Traffic Wardens Organisation and formed with the Government approval in the year 1982.
- Initially a few Schools were Enrolled and by the year 2010 more than 300 Schools have enrolled.
- "Catch them Young" is the Motto and in the years to come we hope more Schools will enroll in the ROAD SAFETY PATROL.